briym safeguarding policy

1. About this policy

briym provide schools with mental health support for students and staff. They can also provide support for young people away from the school setting. All schools who have chosen to work with briym will have made the choice within their own safeguarding procedures and policies, and briym will ensure that these procedures and policies are adhered to. This policy outlines briym’s own safeguarding practices and procedures.


2.Relevant Legislation

Keeping Children Safe in Education, September 2022

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018

Prevent Duty Guidance 2015

Equality Act 2010


3. Safeguarding and Child Protection

briym are fully committed to the Safeguarding, welfare and protection of children (children are those below 18 years). We believe that all children have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or beliefs. All safeguarding concerns are outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education (Sept 2022) All members of briym will read this document annually and will be aware of the many safeguarding areas outlined.

Child Protection refers to any activity undertaken to protect children who are suffering, or at risk of significant harm from sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect. Significant harm being defined by the Children Act 1989 as the threshold that justifies compulsory intervention in family life in the best interests of the child. All members of briym will be fully aware of Child Protection through the regular training received.

All members of briym, when working in the schools setting, will adhere to the safeguarding/Child Protection policies of the schools they work in. Any concerns regarding the safety of a young person will be reported to the school, as outlined in the school’s policy.

All members of briym, when working with individuals away from the schools setting, will follow the APHP Code of Ethics.


4.Prevention of harm

briym endeavours to ensure it takes all reasonable measures to prevent harm to the welfare of children.

Safeguarding officer

briym has a safeguarding officer who will advise on Safeguarding and Child Protection matters. The Safeguarding Officer will undertake relevant training every two years and will lead training for members of briym every three years with regular updates on specific issues. This training will include information on safer recruitment.

Members of briym working in schools will also undertake training within their school setting.


5. Safeguarding and briym activities

briym offers a range of activities in schools, and the activities used will always be appropriate to the audience they are meant for. Respect and courtesy towards students, staff, parents and carers will always be paramount. We welcome our duty under the Equality Act 2010 to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity, and to foster good relations.

The content of presentations to students will be age appropriate, and in line with the school’s pastoral values. School Staff will always be shown the content that briym will be delivering. briym will also require that a member of school staff is present throughout presentations and workshops.

One to one activity in schools will be in consultation with pastoral staff. The school will be expected to share relevant information regarding students with briym. Any Safeguarding/Child protection concerns will be shared with the school in line with the school’s safeguarding procedures and policies.