one to one support

briym have developed a seven-week one-to-one programme. We work with individual students to give them specific help to challenge their negative emotions or behaviours, providing support for anxiety, low self-esteem or mood, fear, self-harm, suicidal feelings and a range of other issues. Sessions are thirty minutes long.

group workshops

briym have developed successful workshops for each year group, from Year 2 to Year 13. The workshops provide students with a greater understanding of their brain and why young people react the way they do. The workshops teach practical techniques pupils can use to help them control their emotions and to develop their resilience. The workshops are one hour long. Each year group has a different focus from Year 2 to Year 13 inclusive.

  • Year 2 to Year 5 - a range of workshops building resilience and introducing how the brain works.

  • Year 6 Transition

  • Year 7 Settling into secondary school

  • Year 8 Self harm and coping strategies

  • Year 9 Developing positive relationships with staff and peers

  • Year 10 The start of the GCSEs and coping strategies

  • Year 11 Stress busting and preparing for GCSE examinations workshop

  • Year 12 Mental health awareness and how the brain works

  • Year 13 Stress busting and how to cope with my future

Staff Workshops

staff workshops

We have a range of workshops for staff INSET. The workshops discuss the teenage brain and why teenagers behave the way they do.

We also look at personality types and how staff can get the most out of the students in their classes and staff team.

We also teach practical methods staff can use to help cope with their own stressful roles.

Staff Supervision

staff supervision

briym offer supervision for staff. Supervision is essential to support the mental health of staff working in stressful situations, such as the safeguarding leads.

We also provide confidential support for staff who may be dealing with their own difficult mental health issues.

Enrichment Days

enrichment day

briym have a range of enrichment days designed for students in school from Year 4 to 13. The days will help the students build their reilience and promote different techniques to help support and challenge their mental health from boxing to sound healing with Tibetan Bowls.

The enrichment days have been hugely successful, students have said;

“ I found it eye opening … Emotional rollercoaster … Relaxing … Mindful … a positive day full of new skills learned… It was really fun and helpful for someone like me who has anxiety and stress problems.”